Free event: Peaceful Homes & Classrooms (No Spank Challenge)

Date: 10 - 28 April 2017Cost: Free

Parenting Beyond Punishment is having the 4th annual No Spank Challenge again, and this year, the focus is on peaceful homes & classrooms.

Let's stop discipline our kids and start connecting with them!

Find out more information here: Peaceful Homes & Classrooms

You can also read and support my writing at LiteracyBase: Join No Spank Challenge to have Peaceful Homes & Classrooms

Image credit: Parenting Beyond Punishment




Butter - 160g
Cake Flour - 140 g
Caster Sugar - 140g (我改成80g)
Baking Powder - 1/3 teaspoon
2 eggs
180c - 30-40 minutes

1. 面粉 + 泡打粉 - 过筛
2. 奶油 + 糖 (糖分两次加入) - 用打蛋器搅拌
3. 加入蛋 (分两次加入) - 用打蛋器搅拌
4. 加入粉 (分两次加入)- 用刀搅拌
5. 烤!


这次做得还可以吧,至少像蛋糕。呵~~ 只是我觉得很甜。我比较喜欢第二个做法,下次得再把糖的分量再减一些。希望不会影响蛋糕的质感。^_^

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I haven't been baking cakes for quite some time, as I have never successfully baked an edible cake.
My eldest son suggested to make Saturday breakfast as cake, so here we tried again.

We made two batches, and both tasted quite okay though I prefer the second batch which we used a different recipe.

I am surely going to challenge myself to bake again next week. Thanks to my son for the wonderful suggestion, so I can improve myself and everyone has cakes to eat! :D

Get the Gut Health Super Bundle! - 2 more days left!

I have been watching "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest" these few days, and realized that I really need to take good care of my health. Then I remember this super bundle below:

Started from 22 March 2017, Ultimate Bundles is having this bundle sale - Gut Health Super Bundle, which I am sure we will gain a lot of benefits from it, not only we can get more with lower price, and also we will learn a lot to keep us healthy.

The price is only $29.97, and you will get more than $695 worth of resources, which is more than 93% off! This comprehensive bundle includes 16 eBooks, 5 eCourses, 3 Videos and Heal Your Gut Summit. Hundreds of recipes are included too!

There is a 30-day happiness guarantee coming with this bundle. After you have purchased the bundle and don't feel it is right for you, you can simply email the customer service team within 30 days to receive a full refund. Isn't it a great deal for you?

You can learn more about the bundle or get your bundle here:

P.S: The Gut Health Super Bundle disappears on 27 March 2017 (Monday) at 11:59PM EST, so check it out now!

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