—Dr. Wayne Dyer
忘了什么时候开始,蛮喜欢Dr Wayne所说的,也很喜欢他讲解一些关于道德经的道理。从一个外国人口中学习道德经,还真的有些怪怪的感觉。家里摆着道德经的书这么久,也还没真正去翻阅,去参透。可能是Dr Wayne讲得很浅白易懂吧。当然,还是要真正去看道德经这部经典。
When we let go and allow ourselves to align with the universe, the more we can experience Wayne’s philosophy as reality. There is rhythm to the universe. Wayne believed that when we remained quiet enough, we experience how we are a part of this perfect universal rhythm that he talked about. Thoughts become actions, as energy is released, and that source of thought and universal thought become one and the same.
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