Start writing at Niume

As there are still many issues with TinyCent, especially uncertainty of getting paid, some of my friends recommended Niume, another get paid to blog site.

How we can make money?

1) We earn money by writing blog posts. We do not get paid by each post we submitted, but by the amount of views on our posts.
The pay rate is 1000 views for USD$1.

2) We can also earn through referrals. For each referral, we will get to earn $1

You can read more about this here: FAQ - Revenues

What is the minimum payout:

USD$10 via PayPal

Requirements for blog post:

* Minimum 5 lines of text
* Original content
* Written in English

You can read more about this here: content guidelines

My Experience:

  • I have made $2 for 10 posts after joining for 4 days so far. I am very happy with this. 
  • I like this type of earning, as I like writing and also it can create some passive income too. As we have shared our posts on social media sites, there might always be people reading our posts and hence we will always make some money.

You can read my first post here: How to write the first post at Niume?

If you are interested, I would be happy if you can be my referral: Sign up at Niume. Thanks! ^_^

Ups and downs at TinyCent (在 TinyCent的高低起伏 )

I have been writing hard at TinyCent previously. In this two month time, we have experienced many ups and downs TinyCent.

1. I read about TinyCent but did not find interest in it as the web design did not attract me, and the site did not seem easy to navigate. Moreover, it is a site that we can earn by views, I was doubt if I can get many readers to my posts.

2. A few online friends recommended this site, so I decided to give it a try with my first post - Dare to try something new?

3. Some members were paid by the site, giving us more confidence to write there. It is always important to find out if the site is legit and paying. Moreover, I learned how to gain more views by sharing my posts at Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and other social media sites, and I can write there freely as how I did at Bubblews, so I started to enjoy writing there.

4. After some time, I have earned $5 which is the first payout requirement. Some members have been paid by direct bank transfer in India (The founder is based in India) and Amazon gift card, they have not pay via PayPal yet and I would like to get my payment via PayPal. I am not sure if I would be paid via PayPal.

5. I am glad just after a few day from my first redemption, TinyCent has solved the issue with PayPal and I have got my first payment! Though at the same time I found that the pay rate was decreased, from 1 cent per view to 0.5 cent per view, I decided to still give it a try.

6. After some time, I have made my second redemption which is USD$15. The site was getting better, the owner was active in updating us about the site and making some enhancement too. It looked positive!

7. It took a while to receive the 2nd payment. While waiting for it, I have already reached USD$30 and I requested for my third payment.

8. It's sad to tell that I have not receive my third payment yet, and some issues started to pop up since then.
- Many members have not receive payment
- There are more popup ads which are quite disturbing as the owner is trying to find more ways to bring in more revenue
- The owner rarely updates us with what's going on
- Sometimes the post content does not show up

Should I continue to write at TinyCent? The owner responded to my post and said he will fix these issues. So, let's wait and see how it goes. But it seems like there is still no change since then.

9. I am still earning a little from my previous posts and I am still writing a post a day. I am still hoping the owner has found his ways to solve all the issues and bring back the site. Let's hope and wait.

Is there anyone working at TinyCent too?



2。有几个网上朋友推荐这个网站,他们觉得不错。想,既然只是200字的文章,我应该还可以胜任。而且,第一次提款是USD$5,应该可以尝试看看吧。就这样,我加入了TinyCent,写了第一篇文章:Dare to try something new?

3。有些人收到钱了,可以证明这个网站会付钱,所以就比较积极去写文章了。最重要的是,在那里可以随心所欲地写,没太多局限,比较自由地写,蛮像以前在Bubblews写文章那样的。而且,开始尝试在Twitter, Google+,Tumblr等分享文章,也得到了一些读者的浏览。

4。写了一段时间,累积了$5。只是,到那个时候为止,其他人都是通过在印度银行直接转帐的(网站的创办者在印度),也有人收到Amazon Gift Card, 可是还没有人通过PayPal收到钱。我只想把钱转入PayPal。只是,在不确定TinyCent会否通过PayPal付钱,我又把它搁置在一旁,就耐心等待。

5。还好,才几天的时间,TinyCent就处理好PayPal的问题,我也通过PayPal收到钱了。只是,这个时候发现pay rate per view降低了,从本来1 cent per view,变成0.5 cent per view。那我还能继续赚吗?再试试吧,因为看起来创办者蛮有心的,而且也有朋友的推荐。


7。写着写着,在等到收到第二次的提款之后,第三次提款。这一次提USD$30, 因为要等到收到之前的提款才再去申请提款,所以就累积到USD$30了。

- 没收到钱
- 网页多了许多popup ads
- 创办者没有更新消息
- 有时候浏览不到文章



{What went well this week} 2016 October Week 2

I received the newsletter from Songbird & Bear, and the subject of the newsletter is "What went well?" Jen, from Songbird & Bear asked us to think back and identify something that made us happy in this week, and ask ourselves what we did to make that happen.

I agree that these are two good questions to ask ourselves, and it helps us to find out how we actually want our life to be.

I am grateful for many things that happened in this week, especially learning a lot from the Mom Conference and how my elder children being very helpful with taking care of the baby brother and I managed to handle three of them on my own. The biggest happiness I have gained throughout the week was that I have spent some good time with my elder children.

Well, it does not mean I did not spend good time with them normally, it's just that I did not feel I was present with them, as I was thinking about the baby, my work sometimes. I did have the special time Dr Laura Markham mentioned in the Mom Conference and I found that's really effective. That is really a good way to re-build the connection, and the kids love it too. Moreover, I spent more time with the children, including the baby outside, in the front yard and in the park as well (besides our usual evening park time). It makes some difference while only four of us together and when we are outside. I guess it's this outdoor time and special time made the connection and made me feel the presence as well.

As my baby is growing older now (4.5 months old), he does not sleep as much as he used to be and we will have more time together with the two elder children.

{Find of the Day} 2016-10-15

Free Holiday Planner 2016

Living Well Spending Less is offering this holiday planner for free, for limited time only.

I just downloaded this holiday planner. It looks so beautiful and it is helpful for those who plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Though I am not celebrating these days, it gives me an idea on how to plan as well.

You can download the free planner here: Holiday Planner

Free podcasts about parenting: Atomic Moms

I just bumped into this website, and I think this looks or sounds great! I am interested in those podcasts the host, Ellie Knaus is having. I am planning to take some time to listen to these podcasts.

You can visit the podcasts here: Atomic Moms

Mom Conference ends

In my previous post, I wrote about Mom Conference which was from 11 to 13 October. It has finally ended.

These were quite an exhausting 3 days for me as I tried to catch up with the interviews and learn as much as I can. As the interviews were only available online (for free) for 24 hours, so I had to listen to them before they went expired. I am glad I managed to listen to those I previously picked and actually more than that, and I have learned something great from those moms and most importantly, I am inspired!

There is still an Encore Day which 5 top presentations will be on 18 October (Tuesday). I guess I will take this advantage to listen to these presentations, if I have missed any of them.

You might still be able to join and listen to these 5 top presentations: Mom Conference

Mom Conference starts!

The exciting online Mom Conference has already started!

Date: 11, 12, 13 October 2016
Host: Desiree Ward (Unconventional Kitchen), Saren Eyre Loosli (Power of Moms), April Perry (Power of Moms & Learn-Do-Become)
Cost: FREE

There are 20 speakers sharing the topics including managing our emotions, teaching kids to cook, nurturing our marriage, getting our home clean and organized, finding more joy in motherhood and much more.

Some of my favorite speakers and their topics include:

  • Dr Laura Markham (Aha Parenting) - Helping kids (and yourself) manage emotions
  • Katie Kimball (Kitchen Stewardship) - Teach your children to cook and love healthy foods
  • Ruth Soukup (Living Well, Spending Less) - Decluttering your home, mind and soul
  • Marla Cilley (FlyLady) - How to clean your house in a fun way
  • April and Eric Perry (Learn-Do-Become) - Life Architecture: Creating a blueprint for your family life so you can build a future you love
  • Amy Mccready (Positive Parenting Solutions) - Raising motivated and grateful children during the me, me, me epidemic

Join me and learn how to be the mom we want to be: Mom Conference

You can also support me by reading the related posts at TinyCent here:

{Find of the Day} 2016-10-09

I always like to surf the Internet since I started to have Internet access about 20 years ago. I enjoy finding and learning something new here and there. Lately, I saw a theme "Find of the Week" from a blog, I think it is a good idea to write a similar theme on my own blog. I do not think I will do the "Find of the Week", as writing a post for the findings of the day sounds easier for me, though I may not be finding anything interesting to share on that day.


Free Gift: "Sunday Prep"

Ali Katz from Hot Mess to Mindful Mom suggested to do a "Sunday Sweep", so we will have a clean home on Monday morning to start our new week.

You can download the free gift here: Sunday Prep or support me by reading my post at TinyCent here:

Free Challenge: Recapture Time

Date: Start from 11 October 2016 (Tuesday) - 6 days
Host: Beryl Ayn Young

Beryl is having this free challenge for moms to learn how to juggle their full schedule, with these 3 pillars: Consciousness, Calendars and Commitment.

You can sign up the challenge here: Recapture Time or support me by reading my post at TinyCent here:

Revamping my blog 部落格换新

I have not been blogging here for a very long time. Even if I wrote a post here, it might just be from Facebook - On This Day's feature. So, it seems like there's nothing new.

I have been writing online to earn some extra money in these recent years, it does not seem good as the writing sites just come and go, but they usually do not last long. I was tempted to start a new blog after listening to a webinar about growing email subscribers lately. I think it is good to have our own blog. I started to write a post just now, and think this is just a nice place for me to blog. I do not need to look for somewhere else or start a new blog, just stay here, but perhaps revamp a little bit here and there, and write in English too. It is a good practice for me as I can still learn to write in both Chinese and English, so I will not totally forget about these two languages.

I just found a simple template for my blog - from an orange land to a simple white land with some pinkish decoration.

I am going to add English to the labels and tidy up a lot of stuff, especially my DIY or handwork studio. I always like to write about the handwork I made, as it helps me to remember what I have made and from where I got the pattern.

Hope I will be spending more time to take care of this land and make it a lovely dreamland!

Please feel free to drop by and leave a message to me.

My previous blog design

My new blog design





接下来要做的:把标签加上英文,还要整理一下其它的。 然后最想做的就是更新DIY手工坊的资料。很久没贴上自己的手工,也没有记录下来。有时候要找以前做过的手工,有些在这里可以找到,还蛮方便的。



Tweet Yo Self Challenge

Date: Start from 10 October 2016 (Monday) - 2 weeks
Cost: Free
Host: Kirsten (Create If Writing)



要学习social media marketing,Twitter很重要吧。刚好看到这个活动,就参加了!

要一起参加吗?Tweet Yo Self Challenge


I always have no idea why Twitter is so popular. How can we express ourselves in just a few characters?

I am glad I have found this challenge created by Kirsten, as I am sure I will learn more about Twitter and how to tweet better.

Would you like to join Tweet Yo Self Challenge?
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