I commit to the 21 Day End Paralysis Challenge

I just found this from Mayi Carle's blog, and I know this is another challenge I would really want to do and here I am sharing with everyone.

This challenge is to overcoming stuck and beating laziness. I guess I am both Miss Lazy and Mr Stuck, as I am always overwhelmed with lots of stuffs (in my head or in actual life), but sometimes I am just too lazy or tired to do them.

I like the #1 Rule stated by Mayi: Do what I say I'm going to do.
Yes, we should be responsible in our own words. There were endless times I thought I want to do something, but I didn't do. There were endless plan I thought I want to carry out, but I didn't follow through too.

Since 2017 is approaching, and I am going to make a change and take control of the new year, I commit to overcome stuck and beat laziness too. Moreover, it's 21 days to the new year, so it's a good time for me to Start Now!

For the next 21 days, I commit to:

1) Do what I say I'm going to do, when I say I'm going to do it!
2) Ban whining + complaining + crippling scripts from vocabulary (I'll say and think only positive words)
3) Talk about the challenge - That's why I am sharing it here.

Check out Mayi's video on this challenge and download the printable here: Show Miss Lazy + Mr. Stuck Who's the Boss

Image source: Pixabay

This post has been reblogged at Niume.

刚刚在浏览Mayi Carle的部落格时,发现了这个挑战 - 战胜懒散的挑战。

这好像还蛮适合我的。虽然我有时候好像很多事情做,可是有时却也很懒散。而且,即使有很多事情想做,但却没有真正去实行。听了Mayi提到这个挑战的三大规则,我觉得这是我需要遵守的 - 尤其是对自己的话负责任。


看看Mayi关于这个挑战的可爱录影:Show Miss Lazy + Mr. Stuck Who's the Boss


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