Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)

医生给病假时,就填上了这个病因 - Upper Respiratory Infection.
本来以为医生会写'fever'的, 因为我只知道‘发烧’一词罢了。:p
真不明白为什么病毒常常会找上我........ 我也没有很不健康吧......

What is Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)?
A URI is any type of infection of the head and chest that is caused by a virus.

You are more likely to get a URI if:
- you are emotionally or physically stressed.
- you are tired.
- you are not eating enough healthy food.
- you are a smoker.
- you are living or working in crowded conditions.

What are the symptoms of URI?
- scratchy or sore throat
- sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion
- cough
- watery eyes
- ear congestion
- slight fever (37.2 to 37.8ºC)
- fatigue
- headache
- loss of appetite

How long will a URI last?
URIs usually last one to two weeks.
(晕倒~~~ 还以为发烧需要两天的时间就能痊愈了....)

How can I take care of myself?
- drink lots of fluids (water, fruit juice, tea, clear soup broths and non-caffeinated carbonated beverages).
- inhale warm moist air. Use a humidifier, take showers or put a pan of water on your radiator.

资料转载自Care for Upper Respiratory Infection


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